Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 “Tenses” Dosen : Sugeng Triyanto Nama : Anella Prisdayanti Damanik NPM :17115810 Kelas : 4KA23 Universitas Gunadarma Sistem Informasi 2019 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. English : My brother will come to Jakarta next week. Translate : Saudara laki laki saya akan datang ke Jakarta minggu depan. This sentence uses present future “will come” because of the adverb of time “next month”. 2. English : I go to church every Sunday. Translate : Saya pergi ke gereja setiap hari Minggu. This sentence uses simple present tense “go” because of the adverb of time “every Sunday”. 3. English : My father boought new car last year . Translate : Ayah saya membeli mobil baru tahun lalu. This sentence uses simple past tense “bought” because of the adverb of t